Applies to:

Error Codes

In the event of a control system failure, the digital an error message displays. The message codes are shown in the DISPLAY column below. A constant tone is heard when an error code displays, and to silence this tone, press any button.





Control board overheating.

Turn switch to OFF position, then turn switch back to ON; if “E-4” displays, the control board is getting too hot;

check the louvers on each side of the unit for obstruction.


Oil overheating.

Turn switch to OFF position, then back to ON; if “E-5” displays, the heating circuits and temperature probe

should be checked.


Temperature probe open.

Turn switch to OFF position, then back to ON; if “E-6” displays, the temperature probe should be checked.



Temperature probe shorted.


"E-10 A"

"E-10 B"

"E-10 C"

"E-10 D"

"E-10 F"

"E-10 M"

"E-10 Y"

High limit

High limit tripped above 300° F

High limit tripped below 300° F

High limit tripped while cooking

High limit tripped less than 5 minutes of Auto Filter

High limit tripped during filter cycle

High limit tripped during melt mode

High limit tripped less than 5 minutes of "YES"

Let the unit cool down (15-20 minutes), reset the high limit by pressing and holding the appropriate high limit reset switch for 5 seconds. If high limit does not reset, contact service provider. (Vat 1 refers to the far-left vat.) For single well units, open door and the reset switch is located up and underneath.


Drain switch.

Ensure drain knob is completely pushed-in; if E-15 per- sists, have drain switch checked.


Left level sensor open.

Turn switch to OFF position, then back to ON; if display still indicates a failed sensor, have the connections checked on the control board. Have sensor check and replaced if necessary.




Right level sensor open.


Both level sensors open.


Slow heat recovery.

Have a certified service technician check the fryer for cor- rect voltage to the unit; have heat circuit checked; have unit checked for loose or burnt wires.


Elements not heating.

Have power cord and heat circuit checked.



Programming failure.

Turn power switch to OFF, then back to ON; if an error code displays, have the controls re-initialized; if error code persists, have the control board replaced.


Analog converter chip or 12-volt supply failure.

Turn power switch OFF, then back to ON; if “E-47” per- sists, have the I/O board, or the PC board replaced; if speaker tones are quiet, probably I/O board failure; have the I/O board replaced.


Input system error.

Have PC board replaced.


Temperature input error.

Turn power switch to OFF, then back to ON; have control PC board replaced if “E-54C” persists.


AIF PC board not communicating with PC board.

Turn power switch to OFF, wait 15 seconds, then turn switch back to ON. If “E-60 persists, have connector be- tween the PC boards checked; replace AIF PC board or control PC board if necessary.


Autolift motor malfunction or failure.

If AutoLift feature is not operating, have each of the Auto- lift motors checked.

Check the 24V circuits.