Applies to:

Create Food Item

Note: The Food Item Settings menu contains Manage, Order, Create, and Import food items.

    To create a new food item, navigate to Settings > Food Item Settings > type 1234 > Create New Food Item.

    1. Tap Create New Food Item.

    2. Tap Set to select a Cooking Time, and then tap Done.

    3. Tap Set to select a Cooking Temperature, and then tap Done.

    4. Tap Next (->).
    5. Tap the number next to Cooking Cycles Until Filter.

    6. Scroll to select the number of cycles ths food item can be cooked before an express filter prompt is displayed, and then tap Done.

    7. Tap Show to access Advanced options, and then tap options and select settings: Optional. Refer to Advanced Cooking Parameters for details.

    8. Tap Hide, and then Next (->).
    9. To add a shake alert, tap the toggle switch to reveal the shake alert settings.

    10. Tap Set next to Activate Alert At.

    11. Swipe up or down to select the time remaining on the timer when the alert sounds. For example, if you have a 3:00 cook cycle and want to set a shake alarm to sound after 30 seconds, set the Activate Alert time to 2:30.

    12. To add a second shake alert, repeat steps 9 - 11.

    13. Tap Done, and then Next (->).

    14. To add a Quality Timer, tap the toggle switch to reveal the time.

    15. Tap and set the time, and then tap Done.

    16. Tap Next (->).

    17. To Show Food Item on Vat (control), tap the toggle switch to Show on Vat.

    18. Tap Next (->).

    19. To choose an image for the food item, tap Choose image.

      Note: This step allows you to select a food image for the food item.

      • Choose from images lets you select an existing image from the control.

      • Download an image lets you select an image you provide on a USB drive.

    20. Tap Choose from images, tap to select an image, and then tap OK.
    21. To Download an image, tap the icon above the text Download an Image.

    22. Insert your USB drive, and then tap OK to confirm.

    23. Swipe up or down to locate your desired image from your USB drive. Tap the image to select it, and then tap OK.

    24. Tap Change image to go back and select another image.

    25. Tap Next (->)

    26. Give your food item a name by using the touch screen keyboard to type a name for your food item. Note: Food item names may have a maximum of 40 characters,

    27. Tap Done to continue.

    28. Review your settings for the food item.

    29. If you would like to change a setting, tap the setting and make the change.

    30. Tap Save to store the food item and finish.