Applies to:
Error Messages
The following is a list of error codes for the unit. Errors marked as critical errors indicate a situation that requires immediate attention. To resolve an error, perform all of the corrective action steps until the error is resolved. If after performing all of the corrective action steps the error still remains, contact technical support for assistance.
Error Code | Possible Cause | Corrective Action |
“E-4 VIU” ”Control board overheat - Critical” |
“E-4 OMS” ”OMS board overheat – Non-Critical” |
“E-4 PMU” ”PMU board overheat – Critical” |
“E-5” ”Oil Overheat - Critical” |
“Temperature probe open – Critical” |
“Temperature probe shorted – Critical” |
”Hi-Limit safety sensor overheat - Critical” |
“E-10 A” “Hi-Limit board memory error – Critical” |
High limit internal memory error. |
“E-10 C” “Hi-Limit board memory error – Critical” |
High limit internal memory error. |
“E-10 E” “Hi-Limit board memory error – Critical” |
High limit internal memory error. |
“E-10 F” “Hi-Limit board memory error – Critical” |
High limit internal memory error. |
“E-10 I” “Hi-Limit board memory error – Critical” |
High limit internal memory error. |
“E-10 L” “Hi-Limit probe loose – Non-Critical” |
High limit probe loose from bracket F. |
“E-10 M” “Hi-Limit board mismatch – Critical” |
Wrong Hi-Limit Board Software (Gas vs. Electric) installed. |
“E-10 N” “Hi-Limit board not connected – Critical” |
Loose or Disconnected Hi-Limit Board from PMU. Faulty PMU not detecting Hi-Limit Board connected. |
“E-10 P” “Hi-Limit Probe Open or Shorted – Critical” |
Open or shorted probe hi-limit probe. |
“E-10 R” “Hi-Limit reset switch stuck – Critical” |
High limit reset switch in closed position for longer than 30 seconds. |
“E10 T” “Hi-Limit Probe Temperature mismatch - Critical” |
High limit thermocouple error. Mismatch of readings from same probe that differ by more than 35 °C (63 °F). |
“E-10 V” “Hi-Limit board memory error – Critical” |
High limit internal memory error. |
“E-10 W” “Hi-Limit board write enabled - Critical” |
Memory settings are programmed and not changeable. Write enabled left in on state. |
"E-15A" "Drain Valve Failure - Critical" |
No current draw to drain valve when attempting to close. |
“E-15B” "Drain Valve Failure - Critical" |
Current draw excessive while closing. |
“E-15C” "Drain Valve Failure - Critical" |
OMS not detecting current from actuator when in closed state. |
“E-15D OMS” "Drain Valve Failure – Non-Critical" |
No current draw to drain valve when attempting to open. |
“E-15E OMS” "Drain Valve Failure – Non-Critical" |
Current draw excessive while opening. |
“E-15P OMS” "Drain Valve Failure – Non-Critical" |
OMS not detecting current from actuator when in open state. |
“E-18A” ”Level Sensor Failure Non-Critical” |
Right Level probe open. |
“E-18B” ”Level Sensor Failure Non-Critical” |
Right level probe shorted. | |
“E-18E” ”Level Sensor Failure Non-Critical” |
Left level probe open. | |
“E-18F” ”Level Sensor Failure Non-Critical” |
Left level probe shorted. | |
“E-21” ”Oil heating failure” |
WARNING! Heating capacity for this vat may be reduced and product may be undercooked. Always check product temperature before serving or severe illness may result. | |
“E-22” ”No Heat – Non-Critical” |
“E-31” ”Heating Elements Up - Critical” |
“E-41” ”Controller data loss- Non-Critical" |
Control Data Loss. |
“E-46” ”Memory write failure- Non-Critical” |
Import/Export Failure of Settings. |
“E-47” “PMU board failure – Critical” |
Internal PMU board failure. |
“E-48” ”PMU Communication Loss - Critical” |
PMU Address and/or Vat type lost or changed. |
“E-48 VIU” ”VIU communication loss - Critical” |
Control panel address lost or changed. |
“E-60” ”Control board communication failure - Critical” |
Loss of communication from control board. |
“E-60” “PMU Communication Failure – Critical” |
Loss of communication to PMU from Control Panel. |
“OMS Communication Failure – Non-Critical” |
Loss of communication of OMS board. |
”Selector valve failed – Non-Critical” |
No response or incorrect value from the selector valve. |
"E-92" “E-Fuse trip – PMU – Critical” |
E-Fuse (2.25A) on PMU overloaded. |
“E-92” “E-Fuse trip – OMS – Non-Critical” |
E-Fuse (2.25A) on OMS overloaded. |
"E-93A” ”Power Supply Failure – Non-Critical" |
Loss of power supply board. |
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