Troubleshooting an E-60 Error

Power supply board
PMU/GMU board
OMS board
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To avoid electrical shock or property damage, disconnect power before installing or servicing equipment. A qualified technician must perform the service procedures. |
There has been a communication error within the CAN network. This network uses a CAN/Ethernet style cable to communicate between the different boards on the fryer. This error can happen between the OMS (Filtration) board, the PMU/GMU (I/O) board, or the VDM (touch screen) board as they communicate. There are 2 different kinds of E-60 errors.
A warning error (yellow triangle) communication loss with the OMS board and displays E-60 Filtration board communication has failed and cooking operation can continue but no filtering will be possible.
A critical error (red triangle) communication loss with the PMU (I/O) board and displays power board communication failed and will not allow any cooking operations.
Call Avoidance
Perform these steps first to avoid having to go to the restaurant and adding value for your customer. These are steps we recommend every service company provide prior to going out and what makes Henny Penny the partner top food service chains can’t live without as these will save our customers money if successful. These steps can be provided over the phone, over WhatsApp, face time etc… with the restaurant manager. Try the following steps first:
Turn off the main power switch for 30 seconds and then turn back on the main power switch. This will give the fryer a chance to reset and possibility get rid of the error code. If the code persists, then a service call will be needed.
Field Troubleshooting
Scenario One
The E-60 warning error (yellow triangle) indicates a communication issue with the OMS (filtration) board, the PMU/GMU boards, or the CAN-cables that it communicates through. Likely issues are:
- Power supply issue to the OMS board.
- OMS board failure.
- Can-cable failure.
- Start by verifying the LED lights on the OMS board are on.
If LED's are on, test both Can-cables coming out of the OMS (filtration) board, and going to the associated PMU/GMU boards. Use a cable tester. Refer to image below.
If LED's are off, do the following:
Check all 4 power supply boards 24 VDC voltage output, located behind the left side panel for 2 and 3 vats. For 4 vats, open the left hand door and then remove the access panel to the right.
Ensure you have 24 VDS coming from each of the power supply boards. If not, replace faulty board. Refer to image below.
If voltage check is good, then check connections at power distribution board (DC voltage terminal block) and the J20 power supply connector on the OMS board.
Scenario Two
If receiving the E-60 warning error (yellow triangle) on one screen and the E-60 critical error (red triangle) on another screen, then there is likely an issue with the PMU/GMU (I/O) board or the VDM (touch screen) board. Likely issues are:
- A power supply issue to PMU/GMU or VDM.
- A faulty PMU/GMU or VDM.
- A faulty communication Can-cable.
On the PMU/GMU and VDM boards, verify the LED lights are on.
Drop-down the VDM boards, and then remove the service panel below the touchscreens to gain access to the PMU/GMU boards.
Remove all the 2 3/8” nuts to drop down the PMU/GMU brackets.
If the LED's are on, refer to images below, do the following:
Test all Can-cables coming out of the PMU/GMU and VDM boards individually one at a time making sure to reinstall each of them in the correct places before moving to another cable.
If a cable tests faulty, then replace the faulty cable.
If cables test good, then likely a faulty PMU/GMU board or VDM board.
Depending on when the error occurred, indicates which PMU/GMU or VDM board is faulty. Reach out to Technical Support for further assistance at (800) 417- 8405.
If the LED's are off, do the following:
Check all 4 power supply boards 24 VDC voltage output, located behind the left side panel for 2 and 3 vats. For 4 vats, open the left-hand door and then remove the access panel to the right.
Ensure you have 24 VDC coming from each of the power supply boards. Refer to image below.
If not, replace the faulty power supply board(s). If the voltage check is good, then check connections at power distribution board and the power supply connector on the VDM and PMU/GMU boards. Refer to image below.
Other Possibilities
- Poor connections. Unplug and re-seat connections in the suspected area of the problem. Especially power supply connectors and can-cables.
- Can-cables plugged in wrong spots by previous tech. Check diagram for reference.
- Sometimes a faulty DC voltage component can take that DC voltage away from something like a board. If necessary, unplug components that require DC voltage from the associated boards to see if the power supply problem goes away. Example would be components like the drain valve actuators, selector valve, pump motor relay, etc.
If the error persists contact Technical Support for further assistance at +1-800-417-8405