Applies to:

C1000 Special Programming

Special Programming is used to set:

  • Fahrenheit or Celsius

  • Initialize System

  • Lock or Unlock Controls

  • Fryer Type - Open or Pressure

  • Heat Source - Electric; Gas w/electronic ignition

  • Vat Type - Full or Split

  • Oil Type - Solid or Liquid

  1. To enter Special Programming, turn off power switch (either side). Press and hold the P button and turn the power switch back on.

  2. Use the UP and DOWN arrow buttonto choose “°F” or “°C”. “SPEC” “PROG” followed by, “DEG” “°F” or “°C” displays.

  3. Press the P button and “INIT” displays. Press and hold the P button and “In- 3”, “In-2”, “In-1” followed by “Init Sys” “DONE DONE” display. The controls now are reset to factory parameters, the time set to 0:00 and temperature 190°F or 88°C.

  4. Press the P button and “LOCK” or “UNLOCK” displays. Use the UP and DOWN arrow button to choose “LOCK” or “UNLOCK.

  5. Press the P button and “FRYR” displays on the left and “PRES” should display on the right. Use the UP and DOWN arrow to change from “OPEN” to “PRES” if needed.

  6. Press the P button and “HEAT” displays. Use the UP and DOWN arrow button to change the heat source: “ELEC” for electric models; “GAS” for units with standing pilot; SSI for units with solid state ignition.

  7. Press the P button and “VAT” and “FULL” should display if controls are set to “PRES” in step 5.

  8. Press the P button and “MELT” and “Solid” or “LIQD” displays. Use the UP and DOWN arrow button to choose “Solid”, if using solid oil, or “LIQD”, if using liquid oil.

Press and hold the P button to exit Special Programming at any time.