Applies to:

C8000 Special Programming

To avoid personal injury and fire, ensure that oil completely covers heating elements or gas burner tubes.

Do not bypass the Melt Cycle. The type of oil being used in the fryer determines the amount of heat applied during the Melt Cycle. If the controls are set to the Solid setting, less heat is applied to the solid oil than if the controls were set to Liquid. Too much heat applied to solid oil causes much smoking, and could cause a fire. Match this setting to the type of oil being used at the time. When using new solid oil, it is recommended to melt the solid oil on an outside source before placing oil in the vat.

NOTICE!: Solid oil is not recommended as it can cause clogging and pump failure.

As of 3/9/2018 , all new Computron 8000 controls for pressure fryers have had the maximum programmable setpoint temperature reduced from 380 degrees Fahrenheit to 370 degrees Fahrenheit.

The Special Program Mode is used to set more detailed parameters.

Accessing Special Programming

  1. Press the Program button and hold for 5 seconds until L-2 and LEVEL 2, followed by SP PROG and ENTER CODE displays.

  2. Enter code 1, 2, 3, and SP-1 , TEMP. UNITS displays.

    NOTE: If a bad code is entered, an alarm sounds and BAD CODE displays.

    Wait a few seconds, the control reverts back to the Cook Mode, and then repeat the above steps.

  3. To exit from the Special Program Mode at any time, press and hold the Program button for 2 seconds, or to roll back to previous setting, press the Info button.

Model Display Default Description
SP-1 TEMP UNITS ºF Select Fahrenheit or Celsius.
  1. The display flashes SP-1 and TEMP. UNITS, along with ºF or ºC.

  2. Press the Up and Down arrow buttons to toggle between ºF or ºC.

  3. Press the Program button to navigate to the next setting.

SP-2 LANGUAGE English Operating Language for displays and messages.
  1. Press and release the Program button. SP-2 and LANGUAGE flash on the display, along with the language (Ex. 1.ENGL).

  2. To toggle to the desired language, press and release the Up and Down arrow buttons.

    Available Languages:

    • 1. ENGL: English

    • 2. FRAN: Francais (French)

    • 3. DEUT: Deutsch (German)

    • 4. ESPA: Español (Spanish)

    • 5. PORT: Portugues (Portuguese)

    Most normal operating messages and product programming messages are implemented in the languages listed above. However, most error messages and all 2nd level programming modes are still displayed in English only.

SP-3 DO SYSTEM INIT INIT Allows all programmable settings to be initialized to factory preset values.
  1. Press and the Program button release twice. SP-3 and DO SYSTEM INIT flashes on the display, along with INIT.

  2. Press and hold the Down arrow button for 5 seconds, and then INIT displays, a tone sounds, and IN 3, IN 2, IN 1 flashes on the right side of the display. When INIT starts flashing on the left side of the display, release the Down arrow button. When DONE displays, the initialization is complete and the controls now have factory preset parameters.

    NOTE: This step resets the controls, but doesn’t erase product settings.

    Calibration data is not affected by this initialization, unless calibration values are found to be outside of acceptable limits. Also, statistics values, the E Log, etc., will not be affected by this initialization.

SP-4 AUDIO VOLUME 10 Speaker volume (1 - 10).
  1. Press the Program button 3 times. SP-4 and AUDIO VOLUME flash on the display, along with the volume value.

  2. Press the Up and Down arrow buttons. to adjust the speaker volume; 10 the maximum value and 1 the minimum.

SP-5 AUDIO TONE (HZ) 1100 Speaker frequency (50 - 2000 Hz, in 50 Hz).
  1. Press the Program button 4 times. SP-5 and AUDIO TONE (HZ) flashes on the display, along with the tone value.

  2. Press the Up and Down arrow buttons to adjust the tone of the speaker; 2000 the maximum, 50 the minimum.

    NOTE: The tone of each controller can be programmed to a different value to allow each piece of equipment to be identified by its own, unique sound.




oil type setting (1.SOLID,


The Melt Cycle can be set to the type of oil being used. If the fryer is equipped with a FPS temperature probe, it accounts for the type of oil automatically and does not need set unless the system becomes disabled.

  1. Press and release the Program button 5 times. SP-6 and MELT CYCLE SELECT flashes on the display, along with l=LIQ or 2=SOLID.

  2. Press the Up and Down arrow buttons to toggle between l=LIQ or 2=SOLID.

    NOTE: The 1.SOLID setting uses a very conservative melt cycle for safely melting solid oil.

    The 2.LIQ setting allows a more aggressive heat-up rate, but should only be used if liquid oil is in the vat.

SP-7 IDLE MODE ENABLED? Yes Idle mode enable setting (YES, NO).
SP-7A IDLE SETPT TEMP 250º F Setback regulating temperature (190°F - 350°F) for Idle (Standby) mode.
SP-7B AUTO-IDLE MINUTES OFF Period of inactivity (OFF, 1 - 60 min.) that triggers automatic activation of Idle mode.




This setting (YES, NO) determines

the fryer's operation when it exits

Melt Mode upon reaching the Melt

Exit Temperature.

A programmed Idle Mode allows the oil temperature to drop to a lower temperature when not in use. This saves on the oil and utilities.

  1. Press and release the Program button 6 times. SP-7 and IDLE MODE ENABLED? flashes on the display, along with NO or YES.

  2. Press and releasethe Up and Down arrow buttons to toggle between YES or NO. With YES in the display, the Idle Mode is enabled.

  3. Press and release the Program button. SP-7A and IDLE SETPT TEMP displays along with the preset temperature.

  4. Change idle setpoint temperature, by pressing the Up and Down arrow buttons.

  5. Press and release the Program button. SP-7B and AUTO-IDLE MINUTES displays along with the preset time.

  6. Press the Up and Down arrow buttons to set the minutes the fryer stays idle before the Auto-idle is enabled.

    NOTE: 60 the maximum, OFF the minimum.

  7. Press and release the Program button. SP-7C and GO IDLE AT MELT? displays.

  8. Press the Up and Down arrow buttons to toggle between YES or NO. With YES in the display the fryer automatically enters the Idle Mode once the Melt Mode is exited.

SP-8 FILTER TRACKING MODE MIXED Settings: 1.OFF, 2.MIXED, 3. GLOBAL, or 4.SCHED. Specifies what type of filter enforcement is used.

The controls can be set to signal the operator when the oil needs filtering. The Filter Tracking must be enabled to program the number of Cook Cycles between filtering procedures.

  1. Press and release the Program button until SP-8 and FILTER TRACKING ENABLED flashes on the display, along with 1, OFF.

  2. To enable filter tracking, press the Up and Down arrow buttons to toggle the display from 1, OFF, to 2, MIXED, 3, GLOBAL or 4, SCHED.

    NOTE: The Mixed setting allows the operator to set different amounts of Cook Cycles, between filters, for each product. If the operator wants to have one setting for all products, then continue at Step XX below.

SP-8A SUGGEST FILTER AT... 90% Filter usage level (75% - 100%) where the "FILTER SUGGESTED" message is activated.




Specifies whether or not a true filter lockout function is enabled (YES or NO).

SP-8C FILTER LOCKOUT AT... 110% Filter usage level (100% - 200%) where "FILTER LOCKOUT" is activated.
SP-8D LOCKOUT - HEAT OIL... 300° F When a FILTER LOCKOUT occurs, the fryer continues to heat the oil, regulating to the temperature programmed here.
  1. If 2. MIXED is selected, press the Program button. SP-8A displays with SUGGEST FILTER AT … and a value between 75% and 100%.

  2. Press and release Up and Down arrow buttons the to change the value.

  3. Press the Program button. SP-8B displays with LOCKOUT ENABLED? and YES or NO.

  4. Press and release Up and Down arrow buttons to choose YES or NO.

  5. Press . SP-8C displays with FILTER LOCKOUT AT… and a value between 100% and 200%.

  6. Press the Up and Down arrow buttons to change the value.

  7. Press the Program button. SP-8D displays LOCKOUT – HEAT OIL….

  8. If YES is chosen a temperature displays. Press the Up and Down arrow buttons to set the desired temperature 250-380ºF (121-193ºC).

  9. Go to Product Program mode > Filter Cycle, and then program in the number of cook cycles between filters.





The number of cook cycles (1 - 99)

that are allowed before the user is

required to filter the oil.

SP-8B LOCKOUT ENABLED? YES Specifies whether or not a true filter lockout function is enabled (YES or NO).
SP-8C LOCKOUT - HEAT OIL... 300° F When a FILTER LOCKOUT occurs, the fryer continues to heat the oil, regulating to the temperature programmed here.

If 3. GLOBAL is selected, SP-8A displays followed by GLOBAL FILTER CYCLES. The right-side of the displays a digit, 1 to 99.

  1. Press the Up and Down arrow buttons to set the desired amount of cook cycles between filters. NOTE: In cook mode, the number of global cook cycles remaining displays as 4-HEAD 5X READY.

  2. Press the Program button and SP-8B displays with LOCKOUT ENABLED? and YES or NO.

  3. Press and release the Up and Down arrow buttons to choose yes or no.

  4. Press the Program button and SP-8C displays.

  5. If YES was chosen in Step 3, LOCKOUT – HEAT OIL… and a temperature displays. Press the Up and Down arrow buttons to set the desired temperature 250-380ºF (121-193ºC).

  6. Go to Product Program mode, and then press the Program button until FILTER INCL displays. Each product must be set to YES to be included in the filter tracking.







F1: 10.00A

F2: 2.00P

F3: 8.00P

F4: - - - -

Specify up to four scheduled filter events, labeled F1 through F4. Program the time of day at which the FILTER SUGGESTED prompt is activated.

  1. If 4, SCHED is selected, SP-8A displays followed by SCHEDULE. Press the Program button and up to 4 different times of day can be programmed by pressing the Up and Down arrow buttons.

NOTE: Unneeded times should be left at - - - -, otherwise Filter Suggested displays prompting the operator to start filtering.

SP-8E SKIP IF LESS THAN... 1 LOAD The controller can skip activation of a scheduled filter event if no cook cycles (or very few cook cycles) have been performed since the previous filter operation.
  1. Press the Program button and SP-8E SKIP IF LESS THAN... displays, followed by the number of loads between filters (eg. LOAD 4). As an example:

    • - If the suggested filter time occurs before 4 loads have been cooked, then the filter operation is skipped.

    • - If more than 4 loads have been cooked, then Filter Suggested displays. The numbers of loads can be set by pressing the Up and Down arrow buttons.

SP-8F LOCKOUT ENABLED? YES Specifies whether or not a true filter lockout function is enabled (YES or NO).
  1. Press the Program button and SP-8F LOCKOUT ENABLED? displays. Press the Up and Down arrow buttons to choose YES or NO.

NOTE: Cooking is still permitted during the “suggested” phase. However, if lockout is enabled, and the fryer still has not been filtered after one hour, then the controller activates lockout mode and prompts FILTER LOCKOUT – YOU *MUST* FILTER NOW.

SP-8G LOCKOUT – HEAT OIL 300°F When a FILTER LOCKOUT occurs, the fryer continues to heat the oil, regulating to the temperature programmed here.
  1. Press the Program button and SP-8G LOCKOUT - HEAT OIL... displays with a oil temperature. As an example, LOCKOUT - HEAT OIL... 300°F tells the Control to wait until 300 degrees ºF is reached, and then the Control displays FILTER LOCKOUT / YOU *MUST* FILTER NOW. Also, repeated high-low tones are activated. This prompts the user that it is now time to filter the oil.

  2. Press the Up and Down arrow buttons to change.

SP-9 PRODUCT BUTTONS 2.SELECT Product button mode (1.COOK, 2. SELECT).

This mode sets up the way products are selected and cook cycles started in the Cook Mode.

  1. 1. Press the Program button and release until SP-9 PRODUCT BUTTONS flashes on the display.

  2. 2. Press the Up and Down arrow buttonsto select one of the following:

    • 1, COOK: Pressing the product button begins the cook cycle.

      • The Timer button is used to stop cook cycles.

      • The appropriate product button must be pressed each time a cook cycle is started.

    • 2, SELECT: Pressing a product button only displays the product. Press the Timer button to start the Cook Cycle.

      • The product's name appears in the left side of the display, and the controller begins regulating to that product's setpoint temperature.

      • The Timer button must be used to start a cook cycle.

      • The Timer button is also used to stop a cook cycle.

      • Subsequent cook cycles for the same product can be started by simply pressing the Timer button again, as the product is already selected and its name is shown on the display.




Timed clean-out (boil-out) period (0- 99 minutes).

This mode sets the number of minutes for the Clean-Out Mode.

  1. Press the Program button until SP-10 CLEAN-OUT MINUTES displays, along with the preset minutes.

  2. Press the Up and Down arrow buttons to change the number of minutes, up to 99. When Clean-out Mode is activated, the fryer heats the water to the specified temperature, see SP-11. A countdown timer starts with the number of minutes specified.


  • If Clean-out Minutes is set to 0 (OFF), the heated water clean-out mode is disable and is not offered to the user.

  • To clean the vat, fill it with water and cleaning solution and turn the fryer on. In Melt Mode, press and hold the IDLE button. The controller displays CLEAN-OUT? / 1=YES 2=NO. Press the #1 button to activate Clean-out mode.

  • As the water temperature nears the [SP 11] setpoint temperature, a timed clean-out period begins automatically.

  • At the end of the timed clean-out period, the controller beeps once and displays CLEANING *DONE*. No user acknowledgement is necessary. The controller continues to regulate to the programmed SP-11 temperature until the fryer is turned OFF.

SP-11 CLEAN-OUT TEMPERATURE 195°F Water temperature setpoint (100°F - 195°F) for Clean-out mode.

This mode sets the temperature of the Clean-Out Mode.

  1. Press the Program button until SP-11 CLEAN-OUT TMP displays, along with the set temperature.

  2. Press the Up and Down arrow buttons to change the temperature, up to 195 ºF (91ºC).

    NOTE: During clean-out, the user may freely adjust the operating value up or down as necessary to keep the fryer from foaming over.

SP-12 NOMINAL AMPS READING - 4-HD Electric: 31A - All Other Fryers: OFF The normal amps reading (OFF, 1 - 99 amps)
  1. Press the Program button until SP-12 AMPS RDG, NOMINAL displays.

  2. 2. Check the amp reading on the right side of display (eg. 37A) with the amp reading on the data plate. If readings are different, use the Up and Down arrow buttons to change the display to match data plate. This could vary depending upon how the unit is wired.


  • The controller considers any phase current of 2 amps or less to be "OFF". This allowance is for tolerance errors or calibration errors in the current sensor input circuits.

  • The normal amps reading (OFF, 1 - 99 amps). This is the current in each phase of the incoming supply when the heating elements are turned on.

  • For 3-phase, 4-Head fryers (with or without neutral), this "nominal amps reading" should be set to the amps rating stamped on the data plate fastened to the door of the fryer.

  • For single-phase units, the parameter should be set to 1/3 of the data plate amps.

SP-13 AMPS READING LOW LIMIT (PERCENTAGE) 4-HD Electric: 80% All Other Fryers: OFF The lower acceptance limit (50% - 99%) for the amps sensors. Readings below this limit will generate an E-27 HEAT AMPS TOO LOW error.

This is the percentage below the Nominal Amp Reading in which the controls senses a too low amperage warning (E27). Preset at 80%, but can be changed (50 to 99%):

  1. Press the Program button until SP-13 AMPS RDG, LOW LIMIT displays, along with the preset percentage.

  2. Press the Up and Down arrow buttons to change percentage.


    • If a limit is programmed, all Amps errors are automatically disabled if the amp sensors are unplugged or are not properly detected by the controller.

    • The lower acceptance limit (50% - 99%) for the amps sensors. Readings below this limit will generate an E-27 "HEAT AMPS TOO LOW" error.

SP-14 AMPS READING HIGH LIMIT (PERCENTAGE) 4-HD Electric: 120% All Other Fryers: OFF The upper acceptance limit (101% - 150%) for the amps sensors. Readings above this limit will generate an E-25 HEAT AMPS TOO HIGH error.

This is the percentage above the Nominal Amp Reading in which the controls senses a too high amperage warning (E25). Preset at 115%, but can be changed (101 to 150%):

  1. Press the Program button until SP-14 AMPS RDG, HIGHLIMIT displays, along with the preset percentage.

  2. Press and release the Up and Down arrow buttons to change percentage.


    • Even if a limit is programmed here, all Amps errors are automatically disabled if the amp sensors are unplugged or are not properly detected by the controller.

    • The upper acceptance limit (101% - 150%) for the amps sensors. Readings above this limit will generate an E-25 "HEAT AMPS TOO HIGH" error.




MGR 123

These steps lets you change the "Manager" and "Reset Usage" access codes (passwords).

This allows the operator to change the manager’s program passcode (factory set at 1, 2, 3) used to access Product Programming, Special Programming, Clock Set, Data Comm and Heat Control Modes.

  1. Press the Program button until SP-15 CHANGE MGR CODE? 1=YES and CODE displays.

  2. Press Product button one and ENTER NEW CODE P=DONE I=QUIT displays. Use the Product Number buttons to type a new passcode.

  3. Press the Program button until REPEAT NEW CODE P=DONE I=QUIT displays. Enter the passcode again.

  4. Press the Program button until *CODE CHANGED* displays.

  5. To cancel, press the Info button and *CANCELLED* displays, then reverts back to SP-15 CHANGE MGR CODE? 1=YES. Return to step 1 to begin again.

    NOTE: These steps lets you change the Manager and Reset Usage access codes (passwords).

SP-16 USAGE CODE CHANGE CHANGE USG CODE ? 1 = YES USAGE 123 These steps lets you change the "Manager" and "Reset Usage" access codes (passwords).

This allows the operator to change the reset usage code (factory set at 1, 2, 3) to reset the usage amounts of each product. See Review Usage step in Information Mode.

  1. Press the Program button until SP-16 CHANGE USG CODE ? 1=YES and USAGE displays.

  2. Press Product button 1 and ENTER NEW CODE P=DONE I=QUIT displays. Use the Product Number buttons to type a new passcode.

  3. Press the Program button until REPEAT NEW CODE P=DONE I=QUIT displays. Enter the passcode again.

  4. To cancel, press the Info button and *CANCELLED* displays, then reverts back to SP-16 CHANGE USG CODE ? 1=YES. Return to step 1 to begin again.

    NOTE: If a password is forgotten, contact the Technical Services for details.

SP-17 CHANGE SHORTENING: A - COOK CYCLE OFF Number of cook cycles (OFF, 1 - 5000) at which the "Change Oil" prompt should be generated.

The operator can set a reminder to change / discard old oil and fill with new oil based on the number of Cook Cycles accumulated. CHANGE OIL SOON displays when the preset number of Cook Cycles has been met, OFF to 5000 in increments of 10.

  1. Press the Program button until SP-17 CHANGE OIL’ A – COOK CYCLES displays, along with number of Cook Cycles.

  2. Press and release the Up and Down arrow buttons to change the number of Cook Cycles.


  • To use the Change Oil feature, the user must take care to reset the Review Usage data (in Info Mode) each time the oil is changed.

  • Once the Review Usage Total Cook value reaches this programmed limit, the controller periodically displays a CHANGE OIL SOON prompt during Cook mode non-cooking periods, during Idle mode, and whenever the drain is open during filtering.

  • The Change Oil prompt continues until the Review Usage data is reset – normally when the oil is actually changed.

SP-18 CHANGE SHORTENING: B - HOURS OFF Number of power on hours (OFF, 1..999 hours) at which the "Change Oil" prompt should be generated.

The operator can set a reminder to change the oil based on the number of power-on hours accumulated, -OFF- to 999 hours. CHANGE OIL SOON displays when the preset number of hours has been met.

  1. Press the Program button until SP-18 CHANGE OIL’ B - HOURS displays, along with a number of hours.

  2. Press and release the Up and Down arrow buttons to change the number of power-on hours.

    NOTE: Once the oil is filtered, to clear CHANGE OIL SOON (i.e. SP-17 & SP- 18) display, reset the review usage data in the Information Mode. See Information Mode section of this manual.

  3. Press and hold the Program button at any time to exit Special Program Mode.


    • To use this Change Oil feature, the user must take care to reset the Review Usage data (in Info Mode) each time the oil is changed.

    • Once the Review Usage Pwr On Hrs value reaches this programmed limit, the controller periodically displays a CHANGE OIL SOON prompt during Cook mode non-cooking periods, during Idle mode, and whenever the drain is open during filtering.

    • The Change Oil prompt continues until the Review Usage data is reset – normally when the oil is actually changed.

    • Whenever either one of the Change Oil functions is enabled, an additional display item appears in the Info-button Status display. In any normal operating mode, press the INFO button four times. The control displays: OIL IS XX% USED where XX is the current percentage of cook counts or the current percentage of hours, whichever is higher.