Applies to:

Daily Filter

The Daily Filter is similar to an Express Filter. However, the Daily Filter procedure is a more thorough cleaning of the vat. It adds steps to scrub the vat and to rinse the vat. It also includes options to repeat the wash cycle. This procedure must be performed once per day to remove build up and debris from the sides and bottom of the vat. The Daily Filter can be performed during any non-frying periods, however it is typically performed end of day. The steps of the Daily Filter are explained below:

  1. Put on Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

  2. From the Oil & Filter menu, tap Daily Filter then skim the vat.

  3. Once skimming is complete, tap Start Filter.

  4. Drain - Oil drains to the filter pan. After oil drains, the prompt Scrub Vat is displayed.

  5. Raise heating elements with the element lift tool to scrub the sides and bottom of the vat with the L-tipped brush and the gong brush.

    NOTE: Give extra attention to cleaning the fasteners on the heating element bracket to ensure that no build up remains in the pockets of the screws.

  6. Lower the heating elements and tap the start button once scrubbing is complete to continue.

  7. NOTICE: Use brushes only to scrub the heating element and sides and bottom of the vat, otherwise damage may occur to the heating element and / or vat.

  8. Wash - Oil pumps to wash the crumbs and debris down the drain.

  9. When the wash completes, Repeat Wash again if additional cleaning is necessary or Start Rinse to continue.

  10. Rinse - The drain valve closes and oil fills and drains from the vat to rinse. The drain opens again to drain the oil.

  11. Tap Repeat Rinse to rinse again or Start Polish to continue.

  12. Note: The L-tipped brush and the gong brush may be used to loosen crumbs and debris during the rinse step.

  13. Polish - The polish cycle is like an extended wash cycle. The polish cycle by default is set to 5 minutes. During this time, oil is pumped into the vat while the drain valve remains open. This extended filtration polishes oil by removing small particles and contaminates as the oil continuously cycles through the filter. After 5 minutes, the Refill step automatically begins.

  14. Refill - The drain valve closes and oil fills the vat.

  15. Once complete, select Start Heat to continue to the next step, or Skip Heat to keep the vat off.

  16. Heating - The temperature of the oil is heated back to set point temperature. The cooking screen is displayed.

  17. Note: When the filter is complete there will be a checkmark next to each stage showing it has been completed.