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Electric Heat Theory of Operation

The F5 electric heat system uses electrical power applied through a heating element to raise the cooking oil temperature when demanded by a user and the control system. Incoming to the electric heat system is three-phase electrical power, safety circuit checks, and temperature probe readings. Outputs of the electric heat system are 24 volts DC to safety and heat contactor coils, three-phase electrical power to the heating element, and heating of the cooking oil. The F5 electric heat system consists of:

  • Inputs

    • Three-phase electrical power to safety contactor

    • PMU safety circuits

    • Oil temperature RTD probe readings first by each PMU

  • Outputs

    • 24 volts DC to safety contactor coil when main power switch is toggled ON

    • Three-phase electrical power to heat contactor

    • 24 volts DC to heat contactor coil when control system demands heat

    • Three-phase electrical power to the heating element

    • Heating of cooking oil

Electric Heat System Full Vat Block Diagram

Electric Heat System Split Vat Block Diagram