The temperature probe relays the actual oil temperature to the control. If it becomes disabled, “E06” will show in the display. Also, if the temperature is out of calibration more than 10°F, or 10°C, the temperature probe should be replaced. An Ohm check also can be performed.
To avoid electrical shock or property damage, move the power switch to OFF and disconnect power. |
Remove electrical power supplied to the fryer.
Drain the oil from the vat.
Remove the control panel.
Using a 1/2 inch wrench, remove the nut on the compression fitting.
Remove the temperature probe from the vat.
Place the nut and new ferrule on the new temperature probe and insert the temperature probe into the compression fitting until it extends one-half (1/2) inch (1.3 cm) into the vat.
Use the temperature probe gauge provided in the temperature probe kit, to ensure proper placement in vat.
Excess force will damage the temperature probe.
Tighten hand tight and then a half turn with wrench.
Connect new temperature probe to PC board and replace control panel.
Replace oil in vats.
Turn power on and test fryer.
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